Wetherbee Dorshow, The GIS Institute’s Executive Director and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Anthropology Department at the University of New Mexico, leverages TGI resources in ongoing geospatial modelling and analysis at Chaco Canyon.
- With support from Earth Analytic, Inc. and Lidar Guys LLC, we conducted laser scanning at Pueblo Bonito to capture the construction and appearance of excavated underground rooms (Dr. Patricia Crown, UNM).
- Additionally, Wetherbee is working with Dr. Wirt Wills on a variety of projects related to agriculture and the transport of large timbers for Great House construction during the Bonito Phase (ca AD 950 to 1150).
Several related publications will be forthcoming from this ongoing research effort, but for those interested in modeling archaeological landscapes with GIS, read more here:
[gview file=”http://www.thegisinstitute.org/wpdev/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Dorshow-W.B._Modeling-agricultural-potential-in-Chaco-Canyon-during-the-Bonito-phase-A-predictive-geospatial-approach_2012.pdf”]
[gview file=”http://www.thegisinstitute.org/wpdev/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Wills-W.H._Agriculture-and-community-in-Chaco-Canyon-Revisiting-Pueblo-Alto_2012-1.pdf”]